Monday, August 17, 2009

New Group: South Shore Neighbors

This Group will focus on bringing members of our community together. If we know each other, we can strengthen this neighborhood and return it to its former glory. You may not know that just down the block, there is handyman who could easily install your ceiling fan, or a neighbor who would make a great friend lives just around the corner. Let's connect with each other!

First Meeting: Sunday, September 13, 2009
Time: 5-7 p.m.
Location: 6829 S. Crandon

For more information, call Yvonne Dixon at 773-493-1156

Meet & Greet Safety Discussion: Tues., 8-18-09

When: Tuesday, Aug. 18 at 5:30 p.m.
Where: 7043 S. Clyde
What: A discussion among neighbors, with emphasis on security services. A security service representative who sells personal and building security goods will be in attendance.


NEXT MEETING: Monday, Sept. 21, 2009, at 7 p.m. at the South Shore Cultural Center


(1) Our focus problems are: 67-71st streets on Merrill, Clyde and Paxton; AND the 6900 block between Oglesby and Crandon with a focus on the break-ins at 2300 E. 69th Street

(2) We have made progress over the past month: 84 adult arrests, 10 juvenile arrests, and a whopping 2652 calls for service for 151 incidents. We need to keep upping our calls, being willing to identify the perps, and getting the crime off our streets!

(3) If you are confused or have a question about upcoming testimony or a court date and can't seem to reach the right person at the Prosecutor's office, call the CAPS office at 312-747-7004 (they can tell you the dates that show up in their system, which is linked to your address).

(4) If you are concerned about the vacant lot and the area near the post office around 70th and Paxton, please call the Alderman's Office at 773-324-5555 (to request fencing); or 911 to report crime you may witness!

(5) There have been multiple break-ins in the Crandon/ Paxton/ and 69oo Block stretching between Oglesby and Paxton. We need to be on the look out-- help your neighbors and ID the perps.

DID YOU KNOW? If a citizen is not willing to identify a burglar as exiting a property with the stolen goods, the police only have the power to charge the burglar with possession of stolen goods!? Even if the police find hot items in the perps' hands, they are powerless to charge the criminal with a felony. . . That's where we come in-- WE NEED CITIZENS WILLING TO I.D. the criminals. You can remain anonymous, but you must see the perp break in or exit the dwelling with the goods in hand AND REPORT ALL OF THAT TO THE POLICE! They can't do their jobs without our help.

(6) Sub-committee Meetings: DAC 2nd Monday of the month @ 7 p.m.; Court Watch First Wednesday of the Month @ 7 p.m.; Senior Citizens Third Thursday of the Month @ 2 p.m.; Housing Third Wednesday of the Month @ 11 a.m.; Youth every Wednesday @ 4 p.m.

High Rise and Condo Safety Seminars

Do you know how to keep your property safe from crime? Learn ways you can help be part of a safe and healthy community at one of the following seminars:

1718 South State, Thursday, Sept. 3, 2009 @ 6:30 p.m.

3510 South Michigan, Thursday, Sept. 10, 2009 @ 6:30 p.m.

For more info call the CAPS implementation office at (312) 745-5900

3rd District's Annual Flee Market

Date: Saturday September 12, 2009
Address: 7040 S. Cottage Grove Ave.
Time: 7 a.m. to 3 p.m.

A $25.00 fee is required if you would like to set up your own table at this event. Electronics, jewelry, household goods, artwork, toys, books, movies, clothing, purses, and more will be available. Call the CAPS office for more info at 312-747-7004.