Tuesday, October 20, 2009

South Shore Neighbors First Meeting

South Shore Neighbors will meet:

Time: 6:00 to 8:00 pm
Date: Thursday, October 22, 2009
Place: The Don Nash Center, 1833 E. 71st Street

FRIENDS and People Committed to a better community, please plan to come and give your input to generate a plan that is all-inclusive of the residents of this community as we organize and strategize our future development as an organization.

From the young to the old, we're seeking your support and involvement. Hope to see you there!

This message is provided courtesy of Yvonne Dixon, Acting President of South Shore Neighbors

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Stop the Violence Meeting: Saturday Oct. 3

"You Are The Solution" Forum Presented by The Black Star Community PTA and the League of Black Parents The solutions to problems in the Black community are not outside of the Black community. The solutions are not in what we say, but in what we do. You are the solution!

In Chicago and across America, we cannot stop the carnage of Black children without you! You are the solution. Join us for our "solutions" forum. Even if you do not stay for the forum, you should please come to sign-up to be part of the solution.

"You Are The Solution" Forumat the Illinois Institute of Technology:

Saturday, October 3, 200912:00 noon; 3201 South State Street, Chicago

IllinoisPlease RSVP to Lauren at 773.285.9600

You should come to this forum prepared to do at least one of the following activities

(1) Volunteer for our Student Motivation / Mentor Program and become a classroom-based mentor for 6th- through 12th-grade students at least 3 times a yearVolunteer for our Real Men Read Program and become a classroom reader for kindergarten to 3rd-grade students two times per year
(2) Volunteer for our Destination College Program and become a college coach for 4th- through 8th-grade students two times per yea
(3) Join our 100 Concerned Women In Action to work with a team of women helping to solve the problems of the communityJoin our League of Black Parents and Black Star Community PTA to work for and advocate for the education of all children
(4) Attend Parent University classes that create outstanding parents at least 4 times per yearJoin our Million Father Movement, where fathers take their children to school or visit their child's school at least one day each month
(5) Join our Take A Black Male to Worship Day, where faith-based organizations reach out to young Black men 4 times per year
(6) Join our Fathers Club and take your children to free sports, athletic, cultural, educational and recreational events at least 4 times per year
(7)Become a dues-paying member of The Black Star Project to support the above programs.

While we are all part of the solution, this forum will feature these solution leaders:Phillip Hampton of Chicago Alternative Policing Strategy Spencer Leak, Sr. of Black on Black Love (Invited) Tio Hardeman of Cease-Fire! Rev. Franklin Ballenger of By The Hand Club for Kids Phillip Jackson of The Black Star

ProjectPlease RSVP to Lauren at 773.285.9600

Sunday, September 27, 2009

South Shore Opera Company of Chicago: Benefit Concert October 23, 2009

What a wonderful event to attend and support!! Steve and I will be there, please join us!

What: South Shore Opera Company's Benefit Concert: Broadway Regards! This benefit will feature Roberta Thomas, Isaiah Robinson, Andrea Morris, Kamaran-Alexis Madison

When: Friday, October 23, 2009, beginning at 5:30 p.m. (Dinner Reception: 5:30 p.m.; Concert: 7:00 p.m.; Post concert celebration with cocktails and dessert will immediately follow concert)

Location: South Shore Cultural Center-- Robeson Theatre, 7059 South Shore Drive, Chicago, IL 60649

Price: $65.00 per person (make checks payable to South Shore Opera Company of Chicago (SSOCC); If you are unable to attend but would like to contribute to the Company, monetary contributions are also appreciated)

Checks should be sent to the SSOCC at 7059 S. South Shore drive, Chicago, IL 60649 (Please include your name, address, daytime telephone number, E-mail, and fax along with your check in the mail)

Attire: Black Tie

Questions? Call 773-241-6147

Thursday, September 24, 2009

My Soul Café/ Give Me Some Sugar Updates- Spotlight on Local Business

My Soul Café

Neighborhood: South Shore
7201 S Exchange Ave
(at 72nd St)
Chicago, IL 60649
(773) 336-8592

If you haven't checked this little cafe out yet, you should! Steve and I had breakfast there last week-- we had croissants with egg, cheese, and sausage, and it was tasty. The croissants were delicious! The cafe also has some very yummy sounding sandwiches, a full menu of coffees, espresso, etc., and some beautiful looking cakes for dessert. We will definitely be back for lunch or dinner to try something else soon. The prices were VERY reasonable, too.

Give Me Some Sugah
2234 E. 71st Street; 773-363-9330

Steve and I purchased cookies at Give Me Some Sugah on Saturday, Sept. 26, and I just have to say, the goodies are still delicious. I must encourage you to give Chef Lenore's delicious potato chip & pecan cookies a try--they are fantastic! She said that they have been a big hit on game days and have been popular with both her male and female clientèle. We also sampled her cranberry scones and all I can say is WOW! More like a really fancy biscuit than a scone-- just great!

Props to Lenore, also, for the beautiful website. I hadn't visited the site in several months, and it has clearly been updated and now does an excellent job of highlighting the baked goods she has available. You can view the website by clicking on the link on the right, middle side of this blog page-- check it out!

AND REMEMBER-- Please support our South Shore small businesses!

Crime Statistics

For those interested in reviewing the crime stats Al DeBonnett highlighted for us at the last CAPS meeting, please review the website below:


Al compared April 1 through August 31, 2008 to April 1 through August 31, 2009. While crime was down overall in many areas, burglaries are way up! Crimes against people and homes are very frightening. Please be aware of the crime in our area and take care to be observant of those who may pose a threat to you, your neighbors, or your homes.

Thanks to Al for providing this information!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Community Alert

Outdoor Roll Call on Thursday!

When: September 24, 2009 (this Thursday), at 6:30 p.m.

Where: 7100 South Paxton

What is this? For those who have not been to a roll call, this is an opportunity to meet officers who serve our area and show them that we support them. By showing our support, we encourage them to serve the us and our neighbors to the best of their ability. You will also have a chance to meet other concerned citizens. Please plan to attend. The roll call takes no more than 15 minutes and is an easy way to show that you care about our community.


There was a fantastic turnout for this event, and I believe that many there were interested in aligning to share information, brainstorm, and do what they can to make a safer South Shore. Stay tuned. . . it's a work in progress.

Breaking News: Burlary Suspect Shot by Homeowner Dies

Link to Story: http://www.chicagobreakingnews.com/2009/09/person-shot-during-possible-robbery-in-south-shore.html

September 22, 2009 7:37 AM BREAKING STORY

A man police described as a burglary suspect who was shot by a homeowner Monday morning in the South Shore neighborhood has died, authorities said this morning.

Maurice Smith, 45, of the 2900 block of East 81st Place, was taken to Northwestern Memorial Hospital in critical condition but was pronounced dead at 5:30 p.m., according to a spokesman for the Cook County medical examiner's office.

Smith and another unknown suspect were attempting to burglarize a home in the 7100 block of South Coles Avenue when the homeowner caught them and opened fire, said Chicago Police News Affairs Officer Robert Perez.

The other suspect fled the scene, Perez said. The homeowner has not been charged in the incident, Perez said.

Police are continuing their investigation.

Monday, August 17, 2009

New Group: South Shore Neighbors

This Group will focus on bringing members of our community together. If we know each other, we can strengthen this neighborhood and return it to its former glory. You may not know that just down the block, there is handyman who could easily install your ceiling fan, or a neighbor who would make a great friend lives just around the corner. Let's connect with each other!

First Meeting: Sunday, September 13, 2009
Time: 5-7 p.m.
Location: 6829 S. Crandon

For more information, call Yvonne Dixon at 773-493-1156

Meet & Greet Safety Discussion: Tues., 8-18-09

When: Tuesday, Aug. 18 at 5:30 p.m.
Where: 7043 S. Clyde
What: A discussion among neighbors, with emphasis on security services. A security service representative who sells personal and building security goods will be in attendance.


NEXT MEETING: Monday, Sept. 21, 2009, at 7 p.m. at the South Shore Cultural Center


(1) Our focus problems are: 67-71st streets on Merrill, Clyde and Paxton; AND the 6900 block between Oglesby and Crandon with a focus on the break-ins at 2300 E. 69th Street

(2) We have made progress over the past month: 84 adult arrests, 10 juvenile arrests, and a whopping 2652 calls for service for 151 incidents. We need to keep upping our calls, being willing to identify the perps, and getting the crime off our streets!

(3) If you are confused or have a question about upcoming testimony or a court date and can't seem to reach the right person at the Prosecutor's office, call the CAPS office at 312-747-7004 (they can tell you the dates that show up in their system, which is linked to your address).

(4) If you are concerned about the vacant lot and the area near the post office around 70th and Paxton, please call the Alderman's Office at 773-324-5555 (to request fencing); or 911 to report crime you may witness!

(5) There have been multiple break-ins in the Crandon/ Paxton/ and 69oo Block stretching between Oglesby and Paxton. We need to be on the look out-- help your neighbors and ID the perps.

DID YOU KNOW? If a citizen is not willing to identify a burglar as exiting a property with the stolen goods, the police only have the power to charge the burglar with possession of stolen goods!? Even if the police find hot items in the perps' hands, they are powerless to charge the criminal with a felony. . . That's where we come in-- WE NEED CITIZENS WILLING TO I.D. the criminals. You can remain anonymous, but you must see the perp break in or exit the dwelling with the goods in hand AND REPORT ALL OF THAT TO THE POLICE! They can't do their jobs without our help.

(6) Sub-committee Meetings: DAC 2nd Monday of the month @ 7 p.m.; Court Watch First Wednesday of the Month @ 7 p.m.; Senior Citizens Third Thursday of the Month @ 2 p.m.; Housing Third Wednesday of the Month @ 11 a.m.; Youth every Wednesday @ 4 p.m.

High Rise and Condo Safety Seminars

Do you know how to keep your property safe from crime? Learn ways you can help be part of a safe and healthy community at one of the following seminars:

1718 South State, Thursday, Sept. 3, 2009 @ 6:30 p.m.

3510 South Michigan, Thursday, Sept. 10, 2009 @ 6:30 p.m.

For more info call the CAPS implementation office at (312) 745-5900

3rd District's Annual Flee Market

Date: Saturday September 12, 2009
Address: 7040 S. Cottage Grove Ave.
Time: 7 a.m. to 3 p.m.

A $25.00 fee is required if you would like to set up your own table at this event. Electronics, jewelry, household goods, artwork, toys, books, movies, clothing, purses, and more will be available. Call the CAPS office for more info at 312-747-7004.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Paxton Community Cleaners!

A New South Shore Company was born last week: Paxton Community Cleaners (PCC).
Formed by a tight knit group of adolescent people who decided they would create their own Summer Jobs, most of the pre-teens live on Paxton, hence the name.

Andrea, Andre, Andrianna (siblings), Sierra, Christine, and Avianna founded the company by making lists of jobs they'd be willing to do for some extra money.
They list things such as gardening, cleaning up outside, landscaping and lawn care (watering & mowing), washing dishes, going for walks with pets and/or humans, cooking, baking, and creating art.

Last week, when approached by the Founders, they created a job of cleaning the area in front of our homes for 4 days, Thursday through Sunday, as well as planting two hostas in my front yard. Using latex gloves we had on hand, the crew helped themselves to recycled trash bags, filled them and disposed of them.

On Sunday, they each recieved $5, a price we'd negotiated beforehand. On Monday, Andrianna, affectionately known as Mommy, asked if they could still work -- they were bored and wanted some constructive focus. We decided that they'd create lists of skills they'd be willing to offer and post them here -- on KISS.

So Neighbors, if you have the ability to support community building and the children in our village, I urge you to do so. You can contact myself, Steve or Carly via email or this blog, or you can fax: 773.435.6326 with your project, contact info, and the type/amount of compensation you're willing to offer. Got a skill your willing to teach? Bring it on. Make your class as formal or informal as you like. Feel like mentoring? The more the merrier. Maybe one day we'll see increased pride in our community through youth leadership initiatives like the Paxton Community Cleaners.

As for potential costs, keep this in mind: When I told 'Mommy' I couldn't afford to 'hire' them for any cleanups this week, she said "That's ok -- you don't have to pay us, we just want something positive to do." and that, my friends, is 'Priceless.'

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

5th Annual Spa Day Event: June 23, 2009

Where: South Shore Cultural Center (7059 S. South Shore Dr.)
Time: Thursday, June 23 from 11 a.m.-3:30 p.m. (you must arrive on time to ensure spa service)


This is an invitation only event, compliments of the Chicago Police Dept. 3rd District Domestic Violence & DAC Subcommittees. Please contact Officer Angela Browner at 312-747-7004 for more details

Free food, manicures, pedicures, massages, and more will be available!

National Night Out-- August 4, 2009

Where? 7200 S. S. Chicago Ave
Time: 6 p.m., Tuesday Aug. 4, 2009

The Chicago Police Dept. 3rd District invites you to attend this special event! Please come out to show your support, promote peace, and have pride in our community!

Special performances: South Shore Drill Team, "Ray of Hope" Performing Arts Studio, Vocals by "Thiana"

Sox vs. Angels Game August 6-- Sign up!

When: Thursday, Aug. 6, 2009 (1:05 p.m. game)
Where: U.S. Cellular Field (333 W. 35th St.)
Cost: $21 per person

Sign up and come along with the Chicago Police Dept. Senior Subcommitte to the Game! For more info, contact Officer Donald Gadson or Officer Angela Browner at 312-747-7004 OR contact Latoya Jones at 773-933-7654

RSVP Now, Seating is limited!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Next Kiss Cleanup: Saturday May 2, 9:30 a.m.

It is time for spring cleaning!

Now that winter is finally over we need to have another neighborhood cleanup. During our previous clean-up efforts, neighbors got together to get the trash off of our streets. You may have seen us out in our bright yellow t-shirts! Join us on Saturday, May 2nd and help us make our neighborhood a better place.

DATE: Saturday, May 2, 2009
TIME: 9:30 am - 1:00 pm (if can't get there at 9:30, just come to the park when you can and someone will be there to direct you to a cleanup group)
PLACE: Park at the corner of 69th and Oglesby

61st Street Farmer's Market

Spring is here and the Farmer's Market is getting started again on May 16. Check out the flyer below for more information (you can click on it for a bigger picture):

Great Activity for Kids

Plane Rides for Kids Ages 7-17

at Gary/Chicago Airport

Location: Gary Airport
Date: 2nd Saturday of the Month
Time: 9:00 am

Free shuttle bus at CTA Train Stop
Roosevelt Road (12th Street) & Wabash


Chicago - (312) 409-5621
Gary - (888) 235-9824


Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Where: Corner of Merrill Ave & 67th Street
When: 5:30 p.m., tonight, Tuesday April 21

This must be a show of force. There are far more good people in our community than their our criminals-- Let's show our police officers that we support them and will work with them to report crimes! If we don't care about crime in our neighborhood, who will?

Support Beth in Court-- Thursday April 23

Case: State of Illinois v. Tyrwon Miles

Location: 26th & California-- Circuit Court Room 303 (Court room of the Honorable Mary Margaret Brosnahan)

Time: 9:00 a.m. on Thursday morning, April 23, 2009

If you are available on Thursday, please take some time out of your day to support Beth. She is a member of our community who is standing up against violence in our community by testifying against a vicious attacker. The only way to beat the criminals is to make sure that witnesses, like Beth, stand up against their attackers and get them off our streets.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Free Concert @ Cultural Center Feb. 22


Reminder-- Events for Youths. . .


When: Every Wednesday, 4:30 p.m. until 6 p.m.
Where: 3rd district auditorium, 7040 S. Cottage Grove
What: Fun events like skating; bowling parties; info regarding upcoming events (Lock-ins approaching at fun locations like Safari Lnda and Hollywood park); visiting elderly citizens in our neighborhood senior building, College tours, and MORE!

Contact Officer Parlor or Nakia Fenner at 312-747-5477

Sunday, January 25, 2009


From the 3rd District CAPS Office:

An Area-wide Housing Symposium

Area 2: January 27th, 2009 Tuesday 3:OO PM to 6:OO PM 5th District Police Station Auditorium - 727 E. 111th Street

Join us as we strive to make 2009 a better year for Home Owners and Buyers!! Information and direct services will be available on mortgage assistance and financing options for home owners and landlords. A representative from the State Treasurer's Office will discuss State programs designed to provide direct assistance for home owners. Representatives will be available from financial institutions to provide information on Short Sales, Foreclosures, Not for Profit Partnership Programs, Below Market Place Rates and Public Safety (Police) Incentives. A representative from the Chicago Police Department's Detective Division will discuss ways YOU can Protect Yourself from Fraud.

Your financial future is in YOUR hands!!! Make the right choice and join US!

For additional information please contact the Office of the Chief of Patrol Field Group A:

Sgt. Saadia Griffin Carter 312-745-6231

Community Awareness Vehicle Hijacking

From the 3rd District Caps Office:

What You Can Do

Attend your monthly Beat Meetings and become pro-active in your community. Be alert to any and all suspicious persons and activity. Have your car and house keys out and ready to use. Call 911 to report any criminal activity.

Never leave children alone in the car! !!!!!!!

If you have information regarding any crime please contact:

3rd District CAPS Office: 312-747-7004
3rd District Tactical Office: 312-747-5484

Area 2 Detective Division: 312-747-8272


Sunday, January 18, 2009

Attention Beat 331 Residents-- Weigh in on this month's focus problem

As you may know, we will not be having a CAPS meeting in January or February. We will need to vote on a new focus problem for this month, and we will do this again next month, so that our officers can remain responsive to our community's needs. We will resume voting on the focus problem at CAPS meetings during the March 2009 meeting.

Officer Parlor was kind enough to provide updated maps showing the location of burglaries, roberries, and batteries in our area. We would propose asking the police to focus on 67th Street and 68th Street between South Shore and Jeffrey to address the multiple burglaries that have occurred in those areas.

Please comment regarding whether you agree with the proposed focus problem, or whether you would propose another focus problem. We will take all comments/votes into consideration and advise Officer Parlor of the new focus problem on January 23.
